게시판 상세

Dangho means the name given to an individual's living space, and Taekho means the name of the house. However, both Dangho and Taekho exist only in the lives of their old ancestors. Where we live now is not named but numbered. What about Dansimheon instead of the numbers on the house door? The space divided into layers in a large building, divided into houses, and then into rooms. Instead of numbers in this space of sharing, produced a doorplate for a name resembling the life, philosophy and zeitgeist of the homeowner.
The place with a single brazier and the scent of a tea.
Soseonjae 小仙齋 : a place where one becomes a small Shin Sun.
Dansimheon : a place where Danshim Maengho Lee lives.
Yeoheungnu 麗興樓 : a sweet and beautiful attic
Korean-language doorplate
The consonants and vowels of Han-gul can be arranged and combined on their own. Rather than being large and bulky, such as a signboard, it is easier to hang small gates or front of room.

Lime tree, Red pine, Stone powder

100 x 300 x 30

No. 106 Intangible Cultural Property of Caligraphic Engraving (Gakjajang)
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