게시판 상세

Jiseung is a unique craft technique of the Joseon Dynasty, in which paper cut to a certain size was made and woven into a thread, which was intended to be used without throwing away wasted and used paper. After making the bowl with this paper thread, you can paint it with lacquer inside and outside. This dish is called jiseunggi. Tools used include cutting knives, fangs and lacquerware. This jiseung technique was widely popular among the working class during the Joseon Dynasty, as anyone could easily make it out of tissue or paper. Ji-seung works contain the wisdom of old books and ancestors who cut and twisted old books to make products for life.
Because paper has the advantage of achieving various types of form according to the manufacturer's intention, it can be developed into crafts suitable for the modern sense, such as basket, lunchbox, dish, Suspenders, mitturi, etc as well as traditional crafts using these features. The wise art of the past has been reinterpreted to fit modern beauty. The jiseung vase naturally places the end of the knot, showing harmony with weave and unwinding.
This product was produced in collaboration project between Kyunghee Han who is craftman of paper thread in Gwangju city and Auroi's designer Kisang Gio. It was produced through the process of developing cultural products in Gwangju.

Hanji, Natural Dyeing

ø 80 x 350

Artisan of Korea
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