게시판 상세

The embroidery is believed to have originated in prehistoric times, when humans sewed and woven animal fur or the bark and leaves of plants in primitive sewing machines and dressed them up. As human life gradually became more civilized, we introduced decorations or embroidery for the purpose of class marking on clothing and textile products. Therefore, embroidery is developed into a formative art that adorn the surface of fabric and forms its own style according to the living environment, customs and creed of each people. South Korea's embroidery also has a long history, and has expressed the country's aesthetic characteristics as the times change. The embroidery, along with weaving and varnish, has cultivated beauty with delicate workmanship throughout its daily life, and has blossomed the sentiments of the people.
Embroidery is a form of sculpture that is made by embroidered patterns on a blank cloth with various colored threads. The origin of embroidery was confirmed in records from the Three Kingdoms Period, and during the Goryeo Dynasty, it was so popular that it was even embroidered on the clothing of ordinary people. During the Joseon Dynasty, the royal court was divided into Goongsoo(宮繡 : embroidery made by Suvangnain in the royal court) and minsu (民繡 : embroidery made by the private sector) and developed with distinct characteristics. Korea's old embroidery is not strong in color, nor is it bound by detailed description, but has used bold omissions as needed. It is a silhouette that can be controlled step back, not a shortsighted view, and is judged by its soft lines.
It was filled with Yearning for the straight bamboo that was embroidered in a thin white cloth. The outline of bamboo, which is softly reflected on a thin piece of cloth, is as clear as the feeling of longing, and it is soon dimmed. Yearning was painted like an ink-and-wash painting using a colorless silk and a thin, visible fabric. The effect of the density was aptly expressed in numbers to show a sense of perspective. It can be directed long and short to a given space and atmosphere.

Hanji-silk, Thin silk, Cotton, Silk thread, Black bamboo

400 x 2000

Producer / Design

No. 80 Intangible Cultural Property of Embroidery (Jasujang)
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